Donate Online
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Funds granted by foundations and community members will allow CASA to recruit and train more volunteers, and to better retain existing volunteers, to better serve Gulf Coast CASA’s abused and neglected children in the foster care system. Give to our children’s fund which provides gifts directly back to the children we serve.

CASA volunteers serve as the Guardian ad litem for children in foster care. Volunteers get to know everything about the child(ren) they serve and then advocate for the children’s best interest in court.
Any gift you are able to make will help to strengthen our service to the abused and neglected children in Brazoria, Matagorda and Wharton Counties. Your resources are so important to CASA kids!
Support CASA with a Donation By Mail

Please mail donations to:
Gulf Coast CASA of Brazoria, Matagorda, and Wharton Counties
P.O. Box 751, Angleton, TX 77516
Checks should be payable to Gulf Coast CASA.